Monday, March 2, 2009


3.2.09: go "SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssss"

He's got the silly s's now that he lost the partner tooth to the one he lost last night.
3.1.09: go roots

Those 2 bottom teeth have been just hanging by the roots for a while now. Tonight was the night. :(

2.28.09: go whoa

33 weeks huge.2.27.09: go back

Pretty sure I just used that title, but this was another day of reflection. I had to flip back through Simon's old scrapbooks to find this picture. I so love that I love/am dedicated this hobby. I think it's awesome to have so many memories preserved. :)


  1. oooh that belly is really poking out there! Its so cute though! The rest of you is just as skinny as ever. {punk!} j/k :)

  2. love the photos. so happy you are taking them and sharing them. not like me that is just taking them.
